Feldman designed a beautiful economic experiment.
he Microeconomics Theory is a branch of economic science that aims, among other things, to understand the behavior of economic agents: consumers and firms.
From the description of the text, what Feldman did was just that. He developed a methodology capable of analyzing the behavior of firms in certain circumstances. Thus, this can be considered a good economic experiment, since from this can be made inferences that can give the government the basis to take regulatory measures to combat the inappropriate behavior of opportunistic firms.
I haven't done these in about 5 years so please forgive me if they're wrong.
I also bolded the part that is supposed to be circled.
1. is the story
2. to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee & for a new stamp
3. of this committee & are artists, stamp collectors, and business persons
4. for the new design & by the committee
5. to the postmaster general
6. without the approval & of these two parties
7. in the process & of an artist
8. to an artist & from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
9. of the stamp
10. for the United States of America & of the stamp & about the stamp
I hope that helped you better understand :)
The answer is C: most societies do not allow the level of freedom necessary to achieve enlightenment.
Kant argues in the brief but extremely important essay, <em>What is Enlightenment?, </em>that society, before the age of Enlightenment, which Kant precisely defines in this essay, has behaved like a minor in as much as a child cannot think for himself but rather is given the guidelines for his behavior. Kant then claims that it is time for society, and everyone in it, to become an adult and dare think for one´s self, imposing the guidelines for thought and action based on one´s own transcendental discovery of the limits of thought, what can be thought, and what that, in practical terms, entails for every individual´s freedom. This moment in society could not have been reached without the achievements gained through the Enlightenment that provide the necessary and qualified freedom that society as a whole lacked before it.