come, baila, estudia, camina, bebe, escucha, comparte, trabaja, lee, saca, paga
Why its so big, what is that mean and good luck
Such i big exercise i cant help you
C. A Storm.
I'm a latino/hispanic, una tempestad means a storm.
Cuando viene una tempestad es mejor estar en casa.
When a storm comes, it's best to stay at home.
What we must verify in this case is the grammar of the sentence.
For this case we are receiving a direct order.
The translation of the sentence in English is given by:
Put the flowers on the table.
In Spanish, we have different ways of writing the order.
Way 1:
Pon las flores en la mesa.
Way 2:
Ponga las flores en la mesa.
Therefore, the prayer is written correctly.
The sentence is written correctly.
To sing is a verb and can also act as a noun