Visual art
Fine Art- <u>this is a kind of art that tackles on the human creativity and imagination. </u>Examples of these are drawing, sculpting, painting, dance, architecture, etc. The art form is admired according to how it is able to express meaning and beauty.
Applied Art- <u>this is all about making something appealing through an aesthetic way.</u> This involves <em>decorating common objects that serves a specific purpose</em> such as lamps, plates, tables, chairs, etc. and making them appear beautiful to a person's eye.
Visual art is considered a form of both applied and fine art. This is primarily catered to providing art visually or an art that can be appreciated with a person's eyes. This includes things that may or may not have an intended purpose. <em>It includes both fine arts and applied arts</em> such as<em> drawing, film-making, fashion designing, graphic designing, etc. </em>
Paintings are located in rock shelters and beneath cliffs
The answer is basso continuo
From the Italian language sometimes abbreviated as b.c is a technique of self-composition and execution and essential from the Baroque period
The basso continuo is played for one or various instruments, typically and harmonic as the keyboard instruments or others as the harp or lute
with the voice of bass simultaneously in charge of an instrument of grave tessitura like the violoncello, bassoon, the viola da gamba, contrabass and sometimes contrabasso.
It also receives the name of simultaneous accompaniment
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