Sped up the cold war through technological contributions
The cold war was war between the United States and the Soviet Union which was against communism.
The United States got worried when the Soviet Union launched their satellite Sputnik. The worried came in the realization that the Soviet Union could launch a nuclear weapon from space targeting the United States. The United States needed to catch up to the Soviet Union space efforts by building and launching their own satellite into space. The United States however got a shock when the Soviet Union launch Sputnik 2.
The Soviet Union was always ahead in the space race until the first man on the moon which the United States achieved.
The space race prompted both countries to exceed each other by building satellites and missiles. This accelerated the progress of the cold war and the process of technology development. The cold war was affected by the technological contributions made by both sides.
The dating of artifacts is done by a three age system based on the development of tools and technology.
They were obligated to fulfill their duty of fighting for the King and their Homelands.
The success of empire’s centralized economy led to social harmony and to its fast expansion. The Inca’s central planning economy was, perhaps, the most efficient and successful ever seen. Collective labor from the ayllu was at the center of the economic productivity. Every member was obliged to contribute with his labor as tribute and in exchange they received food, clothing, housing, education and health care security.
The Inca economy did not use money as an exchange unit or markets to trade. However they did trade with other tribes outside their boundaries. Every unit of production was carefully planned and distributed where it was needed.
As an agricultural economy, the Incas made sure that they stored enough food in case of bad weather or war so they grew more food than they needed. They built storage buildings called tambos along roads for food to be distributed to nearby villages. The surplus would be kept in storage as a safety net. Production was planned by the central government, each village would produce a specific product and be distributed to other villages the same way food was distributed. Read more =>