The cherry tree myth is the most well-known and longest enduring legend about George Washington. In the original story, when Washington was six years old he received a hatchet as a gift and damaged his father’s cherry tree. When his father discovered what he had done, he became angry and confronted him. Young George bravely said, “I cannot tell a lie…I did cut it with my hatchet.” Washington’s father embraced him and rejoiced that his son’s honesty was worth more than a thousand trees.
<span>From pristine beaches to lush rainforests, the islands of the Caribbean represent paradise for many. </span>
Lago de Maracaibo
Lake Maracaibo, Spanish Lago de Maracaibo, large inlet of the Caribbean Sea, lying in the Maracaibo Basin of northwestern Venezuela.
Under feudalism, a piece of land granted to lords and knights in exchange for loyalty was called a fiefs.
A year after the Oklahoma Land Rush, the director of the U.S census* bureau said that the frontier was closed.
*an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.