Computer professionals known as software engineers, or programmers use the software development life cycle to create software required for information systems.
Computer professionals are called software engineers and programmers because they develop and program software. Some additional titles for computer professionals are hardware engineers and iOS/Android developers.
Assignment is the operation of a variable to a value
<span>Which type of password provides the highest level of permissions in bios? = Supervisor provides the highest level of permissions in the BIOS</span>
Following code will store the largest value in array parkingTickets in the variable mostTickets
mostTickets = parkingTickets[0];
for(int k = 0; k<parkingTickets.length; k++)
mostTickets = parkingTickets[i];
In the above code segment, initially the number of tickets at first index is assumed as largest value of tickets in array.
Then using a for loop each value in the array parkingTickets is compared with the current mostTickets value.
If the compared value in parkingTickets array is larger than the current mostTickets value. Then that value is assigned to mostTickets.
This process is repeated for all elements in array.
Thus after looping through each element of array the largest value in array will get stored in mostTickets variable.