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The Seventh Amendment has two clauses. The first, known as the Preservation Clause, provides: “In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved This clause sets out the types of cases juries are required to decide. The second clause, known as the Re examination Clause, declares: “no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” This clause prevents federal judges from overturning jury verdicts in certain ways.
In interpreting the Seventh Amendment, judges soon encountered a problem. To which “common law” courts was the Amendment referring? The states had different civil jury practices, and the federal courts were new. The United States Supreme Court announced a solution. The term “common law” in the Seventh Amendment meant the common law of England. Parsons v. Bedford (1830). A century later, the Supreme Court formally declared that the Amendment was to be interpreted according to the common law of England at the time the Amendment was ratified, that is, in 1791. Dimick v. Schiedt (1935).
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What led to Europe's Age of Exploration?
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Asked on September 19, 2010 at 6:50 AM by steven13
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larrygates's profile pic
larrygates | College Teacher | (Level 1) Educator Emeritus
Posted on August 17, 2011 at 9:33 PM
Any number of factors led to European Exploration, dating back to the Crusades. The Crusades were the first exposure of Europeans to Eastern products which were in high demand in Europe, primarily sugar. Additionally, Marco Polo's book, A Map of the World contained glowing (if inaccurate) descriptions of the wealth of Asia. An example:
It should be understood that the sea in which the Island of Zipangu [Japan] is situated is the sea of CHIN, and so extensive is this eastern sea that according to experienced pilots and mariners, who should know, it contains no fewer than 7,440 islands, mostly inhabited. It is said that every one of the trees which grow in them gives off a fragrant odor. They produce many spices and drugs, particularly aloes, and much pepper, both white and black.
Additionally, the rise of Nation States in Europe led to increased revenue for Monarchs who were able to finance European voyages of discovery. Notable here was the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella which united Spain into a united country.
A final factor was the fall of Constantinople to the Turks on November 27, 1453, Constantinople had been the primary market for Asian goods; however after it was taken by by the Turks, Europeans searched for ways to circumvent the Muslims.
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martinjmurphy's profile pic
martinjmurphy | Middle School Teacher | (Level 1) Associate Educator
Posted on September 19, 2010 at 7:53 AM
The Crusades and the end of the Middle Ages created the conditions needed for the Age of Exploration to happen. When the crusaders came back from the Middle East, they brought with them silks and spices and other goods from the Far East that people in Europe began to demand. With the end of the Middle Ages, there was a corresponding increase in trade. Huge fortunes, especially by Italian merchants and bankers, were made from this trade with the east. Also with the end of the Middle Ages, nations began to develop and power and wealth became concentrated in monarchs throughtout Europe. These monarchs saw there was money to be made in trade with the east and began to finance trips of exploration. Most of the voyages of discovery made during the Age of Exploration were in reality attempts to find faster and cheaper trade routes to the Far East.
When writing, the Thumb and Index finger are two of the most important fingers. When writing, your index finger needs to be placed on top of the pencil, working together with your thumb. Essentially, this means that when the person tied the sticks to their thumb and index finger, they are no longer able to properly write.
I hope this helps!
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