When the last Chinese dynasty—the Qing dynasty—fell in 1911–1912, it marked the end of the nation's incredibly long imperial history. That history stretched back at least as far as 221 BCE when Qin Shi Huangdi first united China into a single empire. During much of that time, China was the single, undisputed superpower in East Asia, with neighboring lands such as Korea, Vietnam, and an often-reluctant Japan trailing in its cultural wake. After more than 2,000 years, though, the Chinese imperial power under the last Chinese dynasty was about to collapse for good.
Between France and England.( Britain)
Facism and Nazism developed out of a general crisis of the European political system connected with the rise of the mass participation state from the late nineteenth century to the end of World War I. The mass participation state was marked by five features: an unprecedented expansion of the number of voters brought on by universal manhood suffrage and in some cases by the extension of the vote to women; the development of mass communications; a high degree of mass mobilization, initially by revolutionary socialist parties; new economic and social demands put forward by democratic and revolutionary organizations; and fragmented, poorly organized middle-class political party structures, largely legacies of the nineteenth-century restricted franchise. Fascism was motivated by deep-seated fears of social and political disintegration and of political revolution on the part of both ruling elites and large sectors of the middle and lower-middle classes. These classes had little to gain from a socialist revolution. Fascist and Nazi movements appeared throughout Europe during the period between World Wars I and II, but only in Italy and Germany did they come to power and develop into regimes.
The Mississippi River System, also known as Western Rivers, was important to trade and transportation in the west. It played a very important role in the lives of those people who inhabited the surrounding area. It was for transportation and also for trade.<span> </span>
The statement which correctly describes the 54th Massachusetts Regiment was It was the first Union regiment to fight under black officers. It was the first official union of African-American soldiers and this took place during the Civil War, however African-American soldiers had fought on both sides during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.