When interest rates are increased, borrowing money becomes more expensive. This translates into both individuals and buisnesses having to slow down their enconomic growth, because financing their activities or production also becomes more expensive.
The Federal Reserve has the <u>double-task</u> of keeping prices manageable in a flourishing economy while keeping unemployment as low as possible. When there's inflation, it's been proven that slowing down the economy by increasing interest rates, tends to reduce inflation. That's why it's a good option. We have to keep in mind, however, that this will raise unemployment as a collateral effect.
As you can see, there's no easy answer when it comes to balancing all factors at the same time.
Hope this helps!
<span>Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, <span>the correct response would be that the main cause of these strikes were unsafe working conditions, mainly in factories, that resulted in the deaths of workers. </span></span>
cant understand if theres a question
is there a video i need to watch? because i cant answer the ?n if there no video or link to that video :/