Number 8 is A and number 9 is C
I would have the half days at the end of the school year already marked. I would have it show times for the class switches. For example when you go next to your school calendar it would say 11:xx switch from math to lunch. You could also have your own personal calendar that tells you when your clubs are. This would work in the same way as the other calendars.
illustrates the immense power the veil has over others
Elizabeth was engaged to the minister, but an inanimate and irrelevant object like the one he started using deteriorated the relationship between them. That's because, Elizabeth always asked why the minister was using the veil and he never answered, because the veil, in fact, didn't matter. However, curiosity caused the whole community, including Elizabeth, to be dominated by the vein, which exercised great power over everyone.
The fact that Elizabeth's relationship with the minister deteriorates because of the vein shows the veu's power over people's thoughts and actions.
It helps the student be more productive and focus more on he’s goals