Ani cannot allow Okonkwo to corrupt his village with his angry actions and crimes, so the Earth Goddess Ani banishes Okonkwo to Mbanta, his mother's village, for seven years.
In this situation, Huck is trying to be impressive. He is trying to get the point across that he is funny and "cool". This lie is not only the one of a kind for Huck, but also one where he tries to push his reputation past its limits.
The real Shakespeare, the one who wrote the plays, was brilliant philosopher Francis Bacon. Or it was romantic and tragic Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Or it was secretly Queen Elizabeth. Or Shakespeare’s rival playwright, Christopher Marlowe. (Christopher Marlowe may also have been a spy, and some conspiracy theorists will tell you that he faked his death. The man got around.)Or it was a whole group of people! Maybe it was all of them? Even the Supreme Court’s gotten in on the argument. In 1987, Justices John Paul Stevens, William Brennan, and Harry Blackmun held a mock trial on the authorship question. Brennan found in favor of the Stratford man, but Stevens and Blackmun weren’t so sure.