But my assurance was ill-founded, for in spite of all my coaxing, Nab only circled round and round me until I was dizzy trying to keep track of him.
(Note: There could be some definite improvements for all of these sentences. What I'm about to say may not be consistent with how other people learned.)
"At the sound of my voice there was a sharp little bark from behind, such as Nab alone could give when I had an exceptionally delicate morsel for him."
The sentence, "At the sound of my voice there was a sharp little bark from behind" is an independent clause; there should be no comma after an independent clause.
"But my assurance was ill-founded, for in spite of all my coaxing, Nab only circled round and round me until I was dizzy trying to keep track of him."
For is a conjunction; any conjunctions after an independent clause are fine.
"Nab suddenly made a dash so close that his flippers brushed my side. He snapped the fish out of my hand, and in the same instant he was again beyond reach."
There needs to be a comma after "instant" so that it would make an independent clause after it.
"By this time I had begun to feel pretty well exhausted, and when I suddenly thought of the undertow, I decided to swim back."
A comma should be placed after "time" to make an independent clause after.
The answer should be B. (Rails)
We know that A and D are out because there are no vowels. I couldn't find any word that can be arranged from C.
In “Better Never to Have Met at All” the author argues that the two main characters in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” shouldn’t have met. In the essay he summarizes the story of the play, and mark’s points when Romeo and Juliet influences the people’s lives and not for the better. Examples of that include the death of Mercutio, Tybalt, and more.
The two sentences that seem to foreshadow Dexter’s future obsession with “possessing” Judy Jones are "He wanted not association with glittering things and glittering people—he wanted the glittering things themselves" and "Often he reached out for the best without knowing why he wanted it—and sometimes he ran up against the mysterious denials and prohibitions in which life indulges".
In "Winter Dreams" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dexter, who is the main character of the story, believes that Judy is the ideal woman. Although she is selfish, he pursues Judy because he has an idealistic view of her; in other words, he does not conceive her as a flawed human being. However, this idealistic view is shattered when she becomes a housewife.
This two sentences seem to foreshadow Dexter's obsession because the phrase<u> "glittering things" could refer to Judy,</u> whom Dexter sees as radiant. Moreover, the second sentence, which implies that Dexter wanted things without knowing why, is connected to the fact that <u>he never loved Judy for who she was since he was always in love with an ideal of womanhood. </u>