Correct answer is d. The Senate must ratify treaties with a 2/3 majority.
Only option D is correct, because according to Constitution senate is approving treaties signed by executive branch with at least two thirds of votes. The last rejected treaty was Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which didn't had 2/3 majority, as 61 senators vote for and 38 against it.
The first 19 or so Africans to reach the English colonies arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, brought by Dutch traders who had seized them from a captured Spanish slave ship. The Spanish usually baptized slaves in Africa before embarking them.
Define paternalism as it formed a part of the culture of race enslavement. Slaves were acquired by European traders. These traders had either captured the slaves via raids along the coast or from purchasing/trading with local African slave traders.
Slavery was different prior to statehood than it became afterward. Slaves came into the state in small numbers and worked alongside whites at similar tasks. Enslaved men, armed with weapons, even helped defend fortifications against Indian attack.
I think the answer is A, but im not 100% positive
please dont be angry if its wrong.
I hope this helps you! :D
Common Jim Crow laws included literary tests, poll taxes, and the grandfather clause, which were all restrictions on voting meant to keep black men from casting a ballot. Bans on interracial marriage and separation between races in public and places of business were also common parts of Jim Crow.
For much of the sixty years preceding the Brown case, race relations in the United States had been dominated by racial segregation. This policy had been endorsed in 1896 by the United States Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson, which held that as long as the separate facilities for the separate races were equal, segregation did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The plaintiffs in Brown asserted that this system of racial separation, while masquerading as providing separate but equal trea...