Chavez's legacy in Venezuela can be viewed in two totally contrasting ways, depending on who will be writing the history.
Hugo Chavez was one of the last communist leaders in the world, led by communism, which unlike the majority of the communist leaders, actually had a lot of support by the people. He was leader of Venezuela for long time, and his reign was only ended because he died. As a typical communist leader, Chavez wanted to have everything under control, including the resources of the country, eliminating and suppressing any opposition, and trying to make the country as self-sustaining as possible.
The majority of the people supported him, and one of the main reasons for that was that he openly opposed the United States and the corporations, and nationalized the oil and natural gas reserves. The people of Venezuela had very bad feelings for the United States because of their interference in their country, and Chavez used it to the maximum.
When future history books are written, how would Chavez be interpreted will depended mostly on who will write the history books, as well as the political climate in the country. It can range anywhere from portraying him as national hero that protected the country, its interest, and was beloved by the people, to a brutal tyrant that isolated the country, suppressed the people, and made Venezuela stagnate.
Learn more about communist economies
Hydraulic engineering is just a part of civil engineering. It is based on flow and conveyance of fluids, mainly water and sewage. It can be seen as an application of fluid mechanics for taking care of problems arising during storage, transport, regulation, measurement and use of water. This is needed while designing dams, canals, or cooling water facilities for thermal power plants.
The answer to this question is B.) China and India. China has apporiximently 700,000,000 people and India has approximently 500,000,000 people. Making up for 36% of the worlds population.
About 20% of the people of Camboida were killed in the space of about five years. In particular, the Khmer Rouge targeted those who stood out as successful in business or academic pursuits. This action deprived the country of some of its most elite talent. It will take a few generations for the country to recover from such a loss. In addition, the resistance movement of the Khmer Rouge persisted in the jungles until the late 1990s, instilling a sense of terror and uncertainty in the population at large that still impacts people today. People feared that a new reign of Khmer Rouge power could once again target those with religious beliefs, economic knowledge, or intellectual goals. A current effort is under way to put on trial the people responsible for the killing. The goal of such trials is to demonstrate to the people of Camboia and the world that the nation is ready to move on from the devastation of the past.
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