But anyway, the solution to our problem, the answer to our question is that the stages of stellar evolution, in the correct order, are: a nebula followed by a protostar followed by a main sequence star followed by a red giant and then finally, a white dwarf.
in the process of cutting down so many trees harmed the environment to the point where all animals had to leave even the factory workers left the factory once the last Truffula Tree was chopped down
Blood and lymph are the two circulating fluids in the animal body. Blood belongs to the circulation system whereas lymph belongs to the lymphatic system. Blood contains pigments which carry oxygen. Therefore, blood can be found in different colors in different types of organisms. But, lymph is a colorless fluid. Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and a fluid called plasma. Lymph is composed of white blood cells and a watery fluid. Both blood and lymph possess a circulatory function as well as an immune function. The main difference between blood and plasma is that blood circulates inside blood vessels whereas lymph circulates inside lymphatic vessels.
It would become the same as another of starch component similar glycogen. Amylose as you mentioned have 1-4 bonds but glycogen have 1-6 bonds. Glycogen is more branched and this makes it less soluble in water. also it is used as a storage medium only and it is not easily digested. Just the level of complexity would have increased. solubility would have lessened
Each one of those letters represents a nucleotide. So to find out how many nucleotides are in the gene, just count them
However, keep in mind that this only represents 1/2 strands that make up DNA. If you are supposed to include the other strand, simply double 15, and there would be 30 nucleotides total. However, only 1 strand is actually required in order for protein synthesis to work, so I think it's just 15.