It is a literary device that repeats the same words or phrases to make a point clear
Hip Hop and Shakespeare have a similar beat. You just need to listen for the beat and you'll understand.
1. Furthermore
2. However
3. Yet
4. Because
5. I don't know to be honest, I don't want to give you a wrong answer on this one!
Answer: She should not.
Every profession has a range of salaries that practitioners in that profession might earn from the lowest salary possible to the highest. For instance, Carpenters in the United States can expect a yearly salary of between $41,784 and $72,987.
The Median figure refers to the figure in the middle of this range and separates what those in the upper half of the range will get from those in the lower half. It is not a given that a person will earn the median salary as they may earn lower or higher than it depending on multiple factors such as education, location, additional skills, number of years in the profession, etc.
Hounds= Hunting Dogs
Hounds are used to pursue running game (rabbits, deer) and gun dogs are used to locate camouflaged hiding game (grouse, pheasant) or retrieve flying game (ducks). Hunting hounds bring the hunter to the prey. They have keen noses that detect the presence of game and track the scent.