Paralanguage includes accent, pitch, volume, speech rate, modulation, and fluency. Some researchers also include certain non-vocal phenomena under the heading of paralanguage: facial expressions, eye movements, hand gestures, and the like. "The boundaries of paralanguage," says Peter Matthews, "are (unavoidably) imprecise."
Although paralinguistics was once described as the "neglected stepchild" in language studies, linguists and other researchers have recently demonstrated greater interest in the field.
Musa said that she was feeling ill.
Answer: Explanation:
1. discrimination. Example: <em>The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.</em>
2. communication. Example: <em>She has good communication with her mother.</em>
3. diplomatic. Example: <em>Lawyers should be diplomatic i dealing with a judge. He gave a diplomatic answer.</em>
4. mediation. Example: <em> In a mediation, both sides must agree on who oversees the process.</em>
5. career cluster. Example: Interior designer is in the career cluster of carpenter, architech and civil engineer.
Atticus was threatened and his children were treated poorly by their peers, because he had the courage to stand up for the oppressed. Harper Lee's main message to the readers is not to treat others according to who or what they are but according to their behaviours.