My little horse must think it queer. To stop without a ... Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief,. So dawn goes down to day. Nothing ... And looked down one as far as I could ... Fog. CARL SANDBURG. The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on. Page 2 ...
The more you read the better. If you don't understand some of the words look them up. Good readers usually have a huge range of vocabulary. Skim or scan the text first as well.
The point of the cartoon is to show how ignorant people can be about world problems. Many people decide to stick to their own mindset and are not open to other people’s advice and solutions.
I would say that I agree with the cartoon because many people find a way to ignore the problem. They decide to only focus on their own situations and forget about the most important ones that deal with the world.