i dont get what your asking
If this is in a question form there's a lot of ways to say this or meanings.
Are you you patient?
Eres paciente?
Are you tranquil?
estas tranquilo?
Are you tolerant?
Eres tolerante?
Are you insisten?
Eres insistente?
Or affirmative sentences.
You are patient.
Tu Eres paciente.
You are tranquil.
Tu Eres tranquilo.
You are tolerant.
Tu Eres tolerante.
You are insistent.
Tu Eres insistente.
Igualmente because If u translate it “mucho gusto” is basically “nice to meet you” and “igualmente” means “you too” or in this case “nice to meet you too” which makes sense.
Tengo miedo de que fernando no mejore su comportamiento y esto traiga conflictos a nuestra amistad.