Ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing his credability. Pathos is appealing to the reader by the author "pulling at the readers heart strings." This means he is illiciting emotions in the reader. Logos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing logic in his argument. These stratagies are used by all authors, not just historical fiction writers.
At first, only rich white men could vote. During Jackson's time, the common white man was giving the right to vote. During Reconstruction (the period after the Civil War) voting could no longer be denied on race or color because of the 15th Amendment, but this still only applied to men. Women got the right to vote with the 19th Amendment in 1920.
1. an apple orchard
"he is all pine and i am apple orchard"
"the story of a child's journey"
This is because a reader would need to know what is being told through the scrapbook and its pictures.