The Microscope
Before the 1600s, every living thing was a part of a two kingdom classification system derivative of binomial nomenclature. This was proposed by Linnaeus, a Swedish Naturalist, who split all living things into either the animalia or plantae kingdom. After the invention of the microscope however, a new detailed classification system was put in order to accommodate for microscopic life. This new system recognizes the existence of 6 kingdoms: eubacteria, archaebacteria, prostista, fungi, plantae, and animalia.
stimulants (e.g. cocaine)
depressants (e.g. alcohol)
opium-related painkillers (e.g. heroin)
hallucinogens (e.g. LSD)
in the circumstances in which the attempts do not contravene the ethical and judicial laws.
A - 3:1
In order to determine what number of offspring will have attached earlobes, we must make a Punnett table. We know that attached earlobes are the dominant gene, and we know unattached earlobes are recessive.
| P | p
P | PP | Pp |
p | Pp | pp |
As we can see, only one out of the four squares has two recessive genes. Therefore, our answer would be A - 3:1.