I just need points ......
If you found information in a book as well as a website then use both. dont erase the page number cause you never know what youll need it for. sence your using a website youshould give cretit to the places you got your information from and the pae number will count as a resource so i would prefer you to keep it.
you kinda worded it weird so if my answer doesnt help then im sorry.
She developed hand gestures, to me it was almost a simpler version of sign language.
By age 7, Keller had developed nearly 60 hand gestures to communicate with her parents and ask for things. However, she was often frustrated by her inability to express herself. With the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan, Keller learned the manual alphabet and could communicate by finger spelling.
B. Stationery is the answer.
A. and C. aren't actual words and D. is an adjective referring to something that doesn't move, and is in one spot. Only B. is a noun that refers to office equipment.
The answer is letter A. One example could be slow (adjective) —> slowLY (adverb)
Hope this helps!