Indus Valley
The circumstances in which these Aryans came to India show that they were aware that they would be welcome. For them, fleeing from Iran was a compulsion, but coming to India was a choice and they were higlhy welcomed by the Indus as the coexist together hence birthing Hinduism.
The correct answer is:
Confirmation bias
In psychology, the confirmation bias concept is used in order to describe the group of beliefs that people may have without a solid scientific base as reliable fact about a certain topic. It is normally a trend that leads people to believe and confirm certain pre-established theories leading them to increase or reassert their misconceptions.
<span>Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underline prejudicial emotions are called "stereotypes".
A stereotype refers to a settled, over summed up conviction about a specific gathering or class of individuals.
One advantage of a stereotype is that it empowers us to react quickly to circumstances since we may have had a comparative ordeal previously. One disadvantage is that it influences us to overlook contrasts between people; consequently we ponder individuals that won't not be valid.</span>
most striking similarity between the effects on children of watching
television and the effects on children of playing video games is that content is more important than time spent. </span>