A gene does not define a person. The only thing that makes sense when it comes to defining a person would be the answer- B (Carrier)
(you have to copy and paste into the browser and I had to space out so brainly would let me post I hope you do well on the assignment)
h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = d Q w 4 w 9 W g X c Q
D. The NCVS gives the victim's perspective.
Answer:Yes all action is determined by previous action
For instance, You decided not to work or go to school in order to acquire knowledge. This is referred to as your previous action you have set for yourself, at the later run, you end up not becoming useful in the society and to yourself. I vehemently belief this has proven my aforementioned answer.
The driver would have to have the heads up to slow down decreasing its kinetic energy resulting in making it easier to have better control on the roadway