As additional forces came to Alaric’s side, Emperor Honorius did little to help the city and oppose Alaric. The Goths were still viewed as barbarians and no match for the armies of the empire. Although the treasury was virtually empty, the Senate finally succumbed, and wagons left the city carrying two tons of gold, 13 tons of silver, 4,000 silk tunics, 3,000 fleeces, and 3,000 pounds of pepper. Alaric eased the siege, still hoping to negotiate terms, but Honorius remained blind to the seriousness of the situation. While temporarily agreeing to Alaric’s demands - something he never intended to honor - 6,000 Roman soldiers were sent to the city but were quickly defeated by Alaric’s brother-in-law Athaulf.
The election was won overwhelmingly by Aung San Suu Kyi. However, the government refused to honor the results of the election.
it is hard to overstate the importance of a silk road in history religion and ideas spread along the silk road just and furious goods towns along the route grew in the multi cultural cities exchange of information gave the rice to technology and evaluation that would change the world
Lots of slaves rebelled against their french owners. They went on a rampage destroying towns. One slave took control of the government and restored the order.