1. We will move the party from the deck into the house if the neighbors complain about the noise being too loud.
2. I listen to rock but Matt prefers reggae, which happens to have some pretty talented artist such as Bob Marley.
3. The grass has turned brown because it can no longer receive any nutrients.
1. When fall comes in the north, the leaves turn red and autumn begins.
2. I tried on the new jacket that Edna gave me but, I couldn’t fit it so I told her thanks for keeping me in mind but returned it to her.
3. After we have lunch, Dad will rake the leaves or wash his car.
It is too hard to find out
The fact that the job market was in bad shape when the narrator graduated from college sets him/her to be more open to accept any kind of job, as long as he/she gets to write every day. His/her lack of success in the prior months makes him/her more attentive, in search of any opportunity when it shows up. He/she is determined to find a job as soon as possible, as can be appreciated from the fact that he/she has read job search materials. So he/she gave it a shot.
Although he/she wasn’t planning on being a reporter, he/she was set to make a good job despite the lack of experience and knowledge. He/she went out there, used the basic knowledge he/she knew about reporting (to make a good article, answer these questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How?), got a “crash course in interviewing” and a list of sources for his/her future stories. So, if the job market hadn’t have been in bad shape when he/she graduated, he/she wouldn’t have het such a challenging and rewarding first job.
the higher you set your points to e.g. 60 the person gets 30 and you pay 60
, damaging or harmful.
The words closest to devastating in meaning are
, ruinous
, disastrous
, catastrophic
, calamitous
, cataclysmic
, pernicious
, noxious, harmful
, damaging
, injurious
, hurtful and wounding. Devastating means highly destructive and damaging something happen to something or somebody. All the words present in the above are same in meaning to the word devastating.