Hmm, tricky because if you use a car made of diamonds and drive into a wall @ 400 mph then the car is fine but the wall is destroyed, but if you drive a car made of iron into a wall made of diamond @ 400 mph the crashes but the wall is fine... now if you drove 400 mph of diamond at an iron wall there are no survivors, but if you drive 400 mph of wall at ipm (iron per minute) a small state detaches from south america floating into the coast. buut in another research a car made of walls going 400 mph into a single diamond disrupting the universe causing a planet to collide with ours, leaving 5 survivors... So the research is conclusive diamond is the hardest metal know to man ;))))))))))))))
Mayormente eran mercantes y banqueros lo que llevo a un desarollo comercial sin precedentes donde la industria privada florecio.
Answer: Virginia Plan
Explanation: The Virginia plan was the plan where they wanted votes based on the population and the New Jersey plan was the plan that they wanted the votes to all be the same no matter the population.
Six weeks after Iraq invaded Kuwait, President George H.W. Bush went before a joint session of Congress on this day in 1990 to lay out the administration’s response to the attack.
With a large U.S. military buildup already under way in the Middle East, the president outlined a series of goals. They included the unconditional withdrawal of Iraqi forces, the restoration of the Kuwaiti government, the promotion of security and stability in the region and the safety of U.S. citizens trapped in Kuwait and Iraq.
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“Iraq will not be permitted to annex Kuwait,” Bush told the lawmakers in the presence of foreign diplomats, including the Iraqi ambassador. “And that’s not a threat, not a boast. It’s just the way it’s going to be.”