While African resistance to European colonialism is often thought of in terms of a white and black/European and African power struggle, this presumption underestimates the complex and strategic thinking that Africans commonly employed to address the challenges of European colonial rule. It also neglects the colonial-era power dynamic of which African societies and institutions were essential components.
After the Berlin Conference of 1884–85, at which the most powerful European countries agreed upon rules for laying claim to particular African territories, the British, French, Germans, Italians, Spanish, Belgians, and Portuguese set about formally implementing strategies for the long-term occupation and control of Africa. The conquest had begun decades earlier—and in the case of Angola and South Africa, centuries earlier. But after the Berlin Conference it became more systematic and overt.
The success of the European conquest and the nature of African resistance must be seen in light of Western Europe's long history of colonial rule and economic exploitation around the world. In fact, by 1885 Western Europeans had mastered the art of divide, conquer, and rule, honing their skills over four hundred years of imperialism and exploitation in the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific. In addition, the centuries of extremely violent, protracted warfare among themselves, combined with the technological advances of the Industrial Revolution, produced unmatched military might. When, rather late in the period of European colonial expansion, Europeans turned to Africa to satisfy their greed for resources, prestige, and empire, they quickly worked their way into African societies to gain allies and proxies, and to co-opt the conquered kings and chiefs, all to further their exploits. Consequently, the African responses to this process, particularly the ways in which they resisted it, were complex.
The motives for Spanish exploration was to find Northwest Passage
The motives for Spanish exploration was to find Northwest Passage, which they believed was a direct and best route to the Orient home of spices, silks and wealth.
The feudal system is a term for the economic, political and social structures that governed Europe during the Middle Ages; but halfway across the world in Japan, very similar structures were in place.
In both cases, a class of peasant farmers formed the economic backbone; an honorable warrior class was the basis for military power, and civil order depended on a bond of personal loyalty between vassal and lord. Samurai pledged their service to a Daimyo (a powerful clan lord) who ruled the land on behalf of the Shogun – Japan's warlord in chief; just as European knights served barons and dukes whose authority derived from their king.
In Europe, the Middle Ages was an era of destructive conflict, with the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses being prime examples. Similarly, the “Sengoku Age” - or “Warring States Period” - saw Japan plunged into political turmoil, as various clans sought to usurp the seat of the crumbling Ashikaga Shogunate.
The mythical reputations of the samurai and ninja - two popular icons derived from Japanese culture - are a product of this era. The former sought to win honor for their lords in glorious battle, while the latter waged war through assassination and subterfuge.
There was an event of religious conflict to rival that of Europe, as some clans chose to embrace the Christian influence introduced by newly arrived European explorers, while others vehemently resisted it.
But the feudal system was never even uniform across Europe, so it's unlikely to be so among cultures separated by such vast distance. For all the similarities on the surface, the deeper inspection reveals important differences in the values that governed political and economic relationships in Japan and Europe during their respective feudal periods.
The answer is letter C. The progressive Era wanted to change
the political outlook as well as create a government that would be beneficial
to the citizens of the United States. They created laws to stop big bosses in
saloons as well as promote women suffrage in the United States