To ensure that the list stays stuck, just think of something along the lines of “Mercury Met Venus Every Night Until Saturn Jumped.” Essentially, this indicates that the size of the planets in order from smallest to largest is Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
The trees give off oxygen for the fox to breath
Answer: The observation "A" leads us to conclude that the finches populations are from two different species
According to the biological concept of species, <em>a set of individuals are from the same species if they are able to reproduce and leave fertile offspring</em>. This is key so one species can be successful and perpetuate through time. If they cannot leave descendants, then the species will be extinct. However, it’s possible that two individuals from different species mate and have descendants, but they cannot leave fertile offspring. When they are from different species, the offspring will be sterile and it is called a hybrid.
In the case of the South American finch, the island's finch population and mainland's finch population belong to different species because their offspring is sterile. To have different features, as different feather's color, or to have other dietary preference is not enough to say that they are different species. This is because within the same species, individuals can have variations. For example, we can different eye color and belong to the same species.
Kingdom Fungi. Mostly are single celled bacteria, they emit sunlight by means of photosynthesis that allows them to make food for themselves and also they have another food serve except for the sunlight and eats some single cell organism and that would call them as heterotrophic
The correct answer is: E) cleavage furrow formation and cytokinesis
Cytochalasin B (cytos-cell and chalasis-relaxation) is a molecule which inhibit network formation by actin filaments by blocking monomer addition. As a result, itshortens actin filaments. This molecule is involved in cytoplasmic division where it blocks the formation of contractile microfilaments. One of the microfilament’s function includes cytokinesis and formation of cleavage furrow so these functions are affected by cytochalasin B.