The Anti-Federalists insisted that a Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution because they believed that this document would give far too much power to the federal government--making it tyrannical. Therefore they wanted to ensure that the most fundamental human liberties would be protected by adding these amendments.
technologies have transformed the way we work, the nature of learning and education, and the methods by which we achieve personal and collective goals. Parents, grandparents, children, and the range of loved ones who form part of the modern family today face new and challenging choices about technology use, access, and control.
Brainliest? :D
Negro Fort was a fort built by the British in 1814, during the War of 1812, on the Apalachicola River, in a remote part of Spanish Florida. It is part of the Prospect Bluff Historic Sites, in the Apalachicola National Forest, Franklin County, Florida.
The fort was called Negro Fort only after the British left in 1815, its later residents and staff were primarily blacks (free Negroes or fugitive slaves), together with some Choctaws. There were a significant number of maroons already in the area before the fort was built[citation needed] and beginning in 1804 there was for several years a store (trading post) there. The blacks, having worked on plantations, knew how to plant and care for crops, and also to care for domesticated animals, mostly cattle.
Since they are not legally allowed to have alchol they are not willing to call a cab, friend, sibling, or parent to pick them up because the do not want to get in trouble. In addition, at this age they are more reckless.