The conclusions of the debaye
I found the story to complete this exercise online.
1. ¿Quién es el protagonista del corto?
Un espantapájaros.
2. ¿Dónde trabaja el espantapájaros?
En un campo de trigo.
3. ¿Cómo es el trabajo del espantapájaros?
Es fácil pero solitario.
This is a <u>reading comprehension</u> exercise. You have to read a story about a scarecrow and then choose the correct option in each question.
The story is about this scarecrow that works in a wheat field. He is lonely because birds always stay away from him, and he does not why. One day, he talks with a blind bird and he understands that the other birds stay away from him because they are afraid of him, since his work is to protect the harvest from birds.
Ése es le hombre que arreglo mi lavadora.
Ruben Blades, quien es de Panamá, es un cantante muy bueno.
No traje lo que necesito para la clase de matematicas.
¿Te gusta la manta que te compró Cecila?
The subordinate noun sentence complements the subject of the sentence, is preceded by a subordinate nexus or a verb in the infinitive, and can be replaced in the sentence by a noun or by a demonstrative pronoun, such as "that", "this" or " that".