Foodborne pathogens can cause severe diarrhoea or debilitating infections including meningitis. Chemical contamination can lead to acute poisoning or long-term diseases, such as cancer. Foodborne diseases may lead to long-lasting disability and death.
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The preposition in question is "on", and its purpose is to show you where the dog chewed. You can remove the preposition to form the sentence "The brown dog chewed the rawhide bone." You can also rearrange it to find the preposition, "on the rawhide bone, the dog chewed" in what is commonly known as the Yoda technique.
Here are a few: natural, wholesome, gentle, harmony, alive, vivid, flourishing, ethereal, harsh, unpredictable, survival, captivating
There are many tones that could work depending on your perspective of the poem. Nature can be wild and passionately beautiful, the splendor of lush, crisp grass and the steady trickle of pure and clear water over the smooth pebbles of a stream. Perhaps the biting chill of the first frosts upon aromatic pines encased in tufts of sparkling, fresh snow. All of it, even the heavy, humid whips of wind from a storm or the pelting of harsh bullets of rain, can significantly rouse the minds of poets. ;)
Hope this helps!