a quien, por los demasiados tributos que cobró de sus indios y otros graves daños y vejaciones que se probó haberles hecho, le privaron
de ellos y fue condenado a una gran suma de ducados, para cuya paga se le vendieron en almoneda todos los bienes que tenía, y entre ellos el pueblo de San
Martín de Valdeiglesias, que había comprado en España
- The Israelites rebelled and defeated the Babylonians.
- The Persians conquered Babylon and let the Israelites return home.
- The Romans conquered Persia and let the Israelites return home.
- The Babylonians allowed the Israelites to return to Judah
China entered an artistic golden age under the Tang dynasty.
During that time, artists were influenced by Persian and Arab cultures.
During the Song dynasty, the invention of moveable type increased the speed at which documents could be printed.
Japanese art and culture of the 8th century were heavily influenced by the works of Tang artists.
On 18 June, the United States declared war on Great Britain, citing, in part, impressment. After the Napoleonic Wars impressment was ended in practice, though not officially abandoned as a policy. The last law was passed in 1835, in which the power to impress was reaffirmed.