Is to help the Contras in Nicaragua. The Contras were the different U.S.- sponsored and supported conservative radical gatherings that were dynamic from 1979 to the mid 1990s contrary to one side wing, communist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction government in Nicaragua.
The Contra War occurred in the Central American country of Nicaragua and kept going roughly from 1981 to 1988. The war started as a progression of uprisings against the Sandinista legislature of Nicaragua that that ousted the Somoza fascism in 1979.
They needed to look strong enough to work so they would not be killed.
Those sick or too old automatically were taken to these gas chambers, and yes it is how it sounds. A gas chamber was a sealed room that was used for execution by poisonous gas. Some mothers used to pinch their children's cheeks to make sure they looked extra healthy. A horrifying way to die.
The Jewish would eat matzo on the day of Passover