Yes, they did.
The WWI was concluded by a treaty that demanded big reparations from the countries that lost the war, which later burdened them financially and contributed to another war.
The WWII was concluded with attempts to unite the countries more and strengthen them economically, to avoid further conflicts.
They decided on this change because the terms of the Treaty of Versailles is blamed for bringing about another war, rather than peace.
They had a strong believe that whoever the ruler was at the time, was blessed and chosen by God in that position.
They made large-scale production possible, which increased demand and led to rapid economic growth.
The effect of new machinery had a great impact on the economy of Great Britain because they made large-scale production possible, which increased demand and led to rapid economic growth of the country. With the help of new machinery, goods are produced in large quantity in very less amount of time as compared to labour which takes more time so new machinery plays a key role in enhancing the economy of Great Britain.