The answer is : TRUE
This was a time of profound social and political crisis for Russia.The crisis in the social and state structure was accompanied by a dynastic crisis. Sophia Alekseyevna ruled as regent of Russia.
Sophia was eventually overthrown, with Peter I and Ivan V continuing to act as co-tsars, yet power was exercised mostly by Peter’s mother.
Peter implemented sweeping reforms aimed at modernizing Russia. Heavily influenced by his advisers from Western Europe, he reorganized the Russian army along modern lines and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power.
Most Russians live in Europe or the western Russia because the Asian Russian (Siberia) is too cold and isn’t as inhabitable
In ancient times and during medieval times there was a transformation in the teaching methodology at the first European universities. Teaching efforts were made to train people who pretended to be part of the clergy in the seven liberal arts.
These seven arts were divided into two groups: the<em> "trivium"</em>, which included grammar, dialectics and rhetoric, and the <em>"quadrivium"</em>.
<em>Quadrivium </em>(means “Four paths”). In This area music, arithmetic, geometry and astronomy were integrated.
- Arithmetic: study of numbers.
- Geometry: study of space.
- Astronomy: study of the stars or the space in movement
- Music: study of the songs and mathematics in movement.