Justinian I – Emperor who ruled the Eastern Ro- man Empire, or Byzantine Empire, from 527–565 ce and ordered all Roman law compiled into a multi-part work referred to as the compilation of Justinian and later named the Corpus iuris civilis.
The truth is the law was created to be used as a guideline furthering the importance of what is to be accepted in society. You should comply with the law although some people would rather not the law commands it or their will be further consequences.
Answer: it took resources away from social forms apesx (take the s out).
Explanation: ..
a small group of people controlling a nation’s government - democracy
a government that enables its citizens to discuss, debate, and vote on government matters - oligarchy
a cruel government that exerts oppressive power on its people - tyranny
Because they could be biased and strongly opinionated and also the primary source does not have the benefit of hindsight and is therefore not a valid interpretation and less credible