Samurai thought merchants were lacking honor because they made their profits off the works of other.
Merchants would go to India and Africa using the monsoon winds in the Indian Ocean. They would pick up goods from there then take it back home to sell for a higher price.
Answer: See explanation
The 1790 census of the United States showed a population of nearly (4 million). Most Americans lived within a few hundred miles of (Atlantic coast). By 1820 the population of the U.S. had increased to about (10 million) people. The 363-mile trip from (New York City) to Buffalo took a pioneer family about three weeks by wagon. Private companies built (Turnpikes) which charged fees to offset their costs.
In 1806 Congress approved funds for a (National road) to the West. Although river travel was more comfortable, rivers allowed travel only on a (North-South) direction. In 1802 Robert Livingstone hired (Robert Fulton) to develop a more powerful steamboat. In 1807, the (Clermont) made the 150-mile trip from New York City to Albany in only 32 hours. Canals Led by (De Witt Clinton), New York officials planned to link New York City with the Great Lakes region. Thousands of laborers worked on the construction of the 363-mile (Erie Canal).
At first, this waterway did not allow the passage of (Steamboats). Instead, teams of (Mules or Horses) hauled the boats and barges.