Based on these definitions I searched, I would go with aspersion since the guy's reputation would fall.
aspersion: an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
abnegation: the act of renouncing or rejecting something.
approbation: approval or praise.
aberration: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
arrogation: to claim or seize without justification
The book Of Mice and Men warns against dreaming, particularly about the American Dream, and teaches us the value of friendship and connection.
In the first paragraph of Mice and Men, Steinbeck sets the scene by describing the final leg of George and Lennie's journey to their new workplace. George and Lennie are traveling to Soledad, a city in northern California whose name translates from Spanish as "loneliness" or "solitary." According to descriptions, the Salinas River's lovely and serene section is home to content animals and is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. Steinbeck piques the reader's interest in their background while also raising the question of how serious Lennie's error was.
To learn more about Mice and Men follow:
Susan's horn is given to Caspian. As a relic of Old Narnia, the horn coming into Caspian's possession signals his acceptance of the older ways. When blown, it calls the Pevensie children to Caspian's aid, making it both practical and fabulous
Writing that immediately involves the reader's interest and carries them through the final paragraph with no loss go concentration
There once was a kid named John. He was a young and adventurous kid. One day he went into the forest. He was sort of peculiar about it. His friends told him stories that there was a witch who made kids like him disappear. He wanted to prove them wrong that there wasn’t a witch. He soon came across an old, creaky house. He went inside, trying not to make a sound. He tried to see what was inside with his flash light. As soon as he turned around, he saw something dash across the hallway. He was curious. It looked like a dog to him. He went into the room that the thing went it. The witch was standing there, waiting for him. He grabbed John and tied him to the chair. She was stirring a potion. John was trying to yell for help, but he couldn’t. He was too deep into the forest. The witch forced him to drink the potion. Then … POOF! He disappeared, and John was never to be seen again.