I dont see any answer choices.
Having good credit allows you to buy such things like houses and cars.
Having bad credit means you are more than likely not to pay your payments.
-Steel jelly.
Pros: For less than a cup of coffee a letter can be sent from one side of the country in less than a week; many times faster than that. If not for government intervention, the USPS would actually be making a profit. One of the safest fleet of vehicles on the road.
Cons: Perhaps the worst staff of supervisors in the service industry. Too many are there because they’re being hidden because of their incompetence. Too many are there only because they knew somebody.
Curley's wife<span> tells </span>Lennie<span> that she knows that he hurt Curley's </span>hand<span>. </span>
The soldiers have had enough from Mother and Parvana, so they tear Father's photograph and start hitting Mother with a stick; shortly after, they beat Parvana as well. Mother is beaten to the ground and Parvana tells the soldiers to back off, that they will leave.