No gallery was provided, but anyways -
Those extermination camps were in close proximity to railway systems and ghettos (enclosed community of Jews). For the goal to be fulfilled, the Nazis had to put the Jews in these ghettos, so, they could later transport them (via train) to the camps.
Recall Election
i'm californian and I know about it, we also just had another one not to long ago but it failed. let me know if this isnt right and I'll follow up in comments.
reducing the financial risk for individual investors.
D, I believe the answer is D
Well, fear is created when there is a threat. WW2 Had just ended, so of course America did not want any other nation to become more powerful than them, for the idea that it would end up being like Germany. Americans also wanted to protect democracy, so communism was a major threat to the USA and it's beliefs. Naturally, America wanted to prove dominance to the USSR, thus the beginning of the cold war.