Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together with longitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth.
Because they needed to have something to cook with and olive oil is a main thing to start the night off of cooking whatever meal it might be.
The president Kennedy’s domestic agenda primarily fought poverty in America.
John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy was an American politician and journalist. He also was the 35th president of the United States from January 1961 until he was assassinated in November 1963. He served at the height of the Cold War, and the majority of his presidency dealt with managing relations with the Soviet Union. On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Yes, the Copyright laws passed in the late 19th century helped put a stop to the illegal duplication of film prints and enabled the top U.S. film producers to gain control over the illegal circulation of their movies.
In simple words, "copyright" signifies "copy right." Particularly, copyright requires the exclusive right to create or recreate a job or a big portion of that in any way whatsoever. It requires the right to do the job, or any significant part thereof, or, throughout the context of even a speech, to use it. If the job is unfinished, copyright shall have included right to print the work or any huge portion thereof.
The correct answer is the Hanseatic League.
The Hanseatic League was formed in the 1100s and existed as a confederation of merchant towns in modern-day Germany until the late 15th-century.
The Hanseatic League can be seen as a modern precursor to the European Union, that is, a confederation of economic interests that work to provide mutual benefit.