There is a way to block/report a user on this.........what ever you would call this website........ if you are private messaging someone, up at the top of your private conversation it says block / report user. Click that link.
It will say something like
(Click here) I don't want to receive any more messages from (the user)
Click that ^ to block
Now to report
If you got to the users profile and it will say report click that link and choose why you want to report that user.
There you go :)
H0P3 It H3LPS :)
Out of existing words change the ending or starting and something will happen....
In Schindler's List, Schindler tricks the Nazi Amon Goeth into helping him save Jewish prisoners from Auschwitz by pretending like he hates Jews and only wants them for cheap labor in his factory. In reality, his factory ensures they will live. Schindler buys the prisoners from Goeth, effectively sneaking them out from under his nose.