Internal Rhyme is -a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next. - GOOGLE
Therefore the words that are examples are dreams and dream.
For Instance "Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
Answer: I have always believed in making choices for myself. Asking someone, or letting someone chose my future isn't something i agree with. It's my future, how will i know if this person has my best interests at heart? My future career may be my permanent one, but it will also be mine. I wish to chose a college, and career that will best benefit me, and my life. If anything, I would accumulate more stress from someone choosing my career. For those who worry about what they will chose, let yourself find it. Don't rush into something or let someone chose something that will make you unhappy in the end. Making our own life choices, is within our natural born rights, just as John Locke would say "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."
I hope this helps :)
The condition of the room and its contents cause Mr. Utterson and Inspector Newcomen to plan a trip to the bank in hopes of catching Mr. Hyde.
The excerpt in the question came from the fourth chapter titled the Carew Murder Case. We can see in this chapter that inspector Newcomen and Mr. Utterson had been questioning Mr. Hyde's actions since they had seen him behave suspicious lately. The investigators visited Mr. Hyde's room during the investigation and pointed out that his house was in a mess. The inspectors then decided that Mr. Hyde may not know what happened in his house so they went straight to the bank to investigate further. They learned on their arrival at the bank that his account was loaded with millions of pounds. The scene strengthens the story because it finally shows enough evidence for the prosecutor and the officer to continue investigating Hyde and trying to prove his guilt.
Issues that you should look for to correct the proofreading stage:
The correct answer would be D
This is because neither A or B nor C have the correct punctuation.