For an informative essay, you should have a hook, otherwise known as something to grasp the reader’s attention. You could begin by using: • A quote • A fun fact There are many other ways, but those are examples.
Let’s say I was going to write an informative essay over Albert Einstein. I could begin by saying, “Did you know that Albert Einstein offered his Nobel Prize as part his wife and his divorce settlement?”
After you have your hook, you will want at least 3 or more pieces of information. If I was writing about Albert Einstein’s life, I could start off with his early life, his career / education, then his contributions to society.
I could say something like: “Albert Einstein faced many challenges as a young child, but he always managed to get through the obstacles.” I would write a whole paragraph based on his early life in the second paragraph.
After that, I would say something such as: “Einstein was very intelligent. He was known for his Theory of Relativity.” More information would be brought up in the third paragraph about this topic.
The next sentence you would talk about his contributions to society. This would be based on the reasons of why he became famous.
The last and final sentence would be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement basically sums up your three or more topic sentences / main pieces of information.
Here is the format:
•Topic Sentence / Hook •Three or more main pieces of information / Three or more topic sentences •Thesis Statement.