Hi there! Please find the answer below.
The program below demonstrates how each of the requirements can be coded in a simple Python script. To copy the array, we can use the copy() method of the array. To calculate the diff, we can use a few different techniques, so I have implemented it using a loop over the arrays and just storing and displaying the difference in the 2 arrays.
def add_test_score(score):
contact_hash = {}
test_score = []
print("Enter 5 test scores: ");
for x in range(0, 5):
input_string = input("Enter test score " + str(x + 1) + ": ")
test_score_copy = test_score.copy();
for e in test_score_copy:
if e < 60:
test_score_copy[test_score_copy.index(e)] += 10;
diff = [];
for e in test_score:
if not test_score[test_score.index(e)] == test_score_copy[test_score.index(e)]:
Web-based application - this is a special kind of applications that operate in the global Internet via HTTP. The user interacts with the program, usually carried out through the browser.
The only thing that a computer actually understands is machine language. English-like constructs are gibberish to a computer, so they need to be translated by a compiler to machine language to run natively.
make the element sizes a percentage
Without using a framework specified for this type of thing such as Bootstrap, the best way to do this would be to make the element sizes a percentage. By making the size of everything a percentage it will automatically resize itself to take up the same percentage of the screen at all times. Even when the browser window is resized to any size that the user wants. This also applies to monitors of different sizes and mobile devices.