CPU, input unit, Output unit, memory unit
The coordinates for the section element need not be defined as long as its position is set to relative.
If the position is set as relative, then it will have no effect on the positioning attributes, it will consider as static position. If positioning is mentioned explicitly like top: 20px; then it will position 10 pixels down from where it is located. An ability for positional shifts is extremely helpful.
Two things happen when an element is set as relative, one is it introduces the ability to use z-index on that element, second is it limits the scope of absolutely positioned child elements.
Answer: (C) A special service for current customers
The CRM is the customer relationship management that typically use by the banks for providing special type of services to the current customer. This is the way to attract various types of users or customers by providing some special type of offers.
According to the question, bank provide the credit card offers to the customer on the airline tickets so, it is beneficial for both the customer and for the bank as well.
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