Stephen Douglas hoped when pushing the Kansas-Nebraska act that
the everything would be settled democratically, without violence by the settler
that would be impartial but unfortunately this was at the same time the fatal
flaw of the act. People misunderstood the act which led to anger by the
southerners and the subsequent retaliation by the northerners as well as the
creation of two governments in Kansas one that was elected on fraud and other
that was not legal.
Populism rise to promote democratization and to have a government for the people. In Brazil, populism was used by their President Getulio Vargas to be in his place. In Argentina, the government used populism to increase wages but resulted in inflation because of instability to sustain economic reforms to people.
My Winter Break.
sense i know nothing about you i'll keep it vague.
Hi. How was your break. Well ill tell you about mine. it was really cold. i'm not personally a fan of the cold. my family didn't go to anyone's house for the holidays. We stated home. Now I'll tell you all about it.
It wont let me finish for some reason. sorry.
It’s the person and the building