Poetry which is b I think
add a comma after gothic :)
Phob - To fear.
Neutr - Of neither gender or type
Hydro - Water.
From - Out of.
Split - loosening.
Apart - remove.
Prim - first.
Phil - to love
A prefix is the group of letters that is placed before a root word to add meaning to it and form derivatives. Example: <u>Co</u>-worker, <u>dis</u>-agree, etc.
Suffix associates to the group of letters placed at the end of a root word to modify its meaning. Example: Fut<u>ile</u>, Fun<u>ny</u>, etc.
Root words are the basic meaning of a word that can be altered by adding a suffix or prefix to it in order to form derivatives. Example: <u>Auto</u>nomy, Demo<u>cracy</u>, etc.
Answer: why does that look so hard