Vigor, bitterness, priceless
Vigor means physical strength and in good help. So when the poet says "Her vigor flows like tides in my blood." It emphasises the fact that her well-being is very important to him.
Bitterness in this poem is used to describe the bread that he was given. It can also be used to describe how is being treated and how it isn't very nice. I know this because the author of the poem uses the word bitter. When something is bitter it doesn't have a very appealing taste.
The author uses the word priceless to describe the treasure that is sinking beneath the sand. It means that if the treasure is lost it may never be found again so the author can use this powerful word to associate it with the fact that this object may never be found again.
The statement says:
"School officials need not obtain a warrant before searching a student who is under their authority; rather, a search of a student need only be reasonable under all the circumstances."
Let's break it down:
School officials (people that work at the school, probably security officers of some type or maybe even merely just faculty) need not obtain a warrant (do not need a search warrant) before searching a student who is under their authority (before searching a student who they are in charge of). Rather, a search of a student need only be reasonable under all the circumstances (Instead, the search of the student just needs to be reasonably justified by any and all circumstances and knowledge at the current time).
Hope this helps!!
A. wouldn't have a job without it
That is vital to have a job
The personality trait that would make Dickon feel at home at Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine is that he is very likable.
It is mention trough the book that he has a strange ability to captivate everyone human or not since his ability also applies to animals, everywhere Dickon goes everyone just fell under his spell and find him lovable. We can see the quotation that says :
There really was a sort of Magic about Dickon, as Mary always privately believed. When Mr. Roach heard his name he smiled quite leniently.
“He’d be at home in Buckingham Palace or at the bottom of a coal mine,” he said. “And yet it’s not impudence, either. He’s just fine, is that lad.”
D) The characters have happy memories of their past childhood.